Few months ago I received email from gentleman from Germany and he offers me options to work for German magazine Flieger Revue. After nice and honest introduction, I was informed that I am not the only one who is asked for the terms for contributing, but the publisher contact few others illustrator and they will choose the one with best offer and performance.

Flieger Revue
I was greatly surprised when some time ago I get email and info that I am chosen to be illustrator who will work for Flieger Revue and we will start soon as we make agreement. Interesting that after many years I spent in the field of illustrating and work for many clients from several countries, that was first time that I made signed agreement and terms inside is fair.

Air Combat magazine with focus on A-10 (with chapter made by me inside) and new set of archive images
Very soon our basic cooperation was expanded much- we make agreement to cover one serial in magazine with color profiles but I also start to publish historic articles and model builds. Historic articles were released in Flieger Revue X and this is history dedicated magazine published bimonthly. It is top quality magazine and right now is released issue no 50!!!

Archive material growing and this will have good reflection on my future projects
Other good news is that I stop working with Lanasta, culmination present their refuse to pay any more so I quit. In this moment I am waiting for new series to start, French publisher Caraktere will possibly start Horst Serie of their Air Combat magazine and I hope many good titles to come there.
Srecko Bradic
Lanasta has a very, very strange commercial policy, even with customers ….
So much the better for Flieger Revue