My work room stay in full work power
From 2015 I have started preparation to withdrawn myself from aviation publications. Reason is so personal. Hard to explain that anyone. In the same beginning of ’90, I start learn illustrating. Simply I follow my senses and feelings and this proven to be great decision as well I spent some 12 years in various publications projects and manage to live nicely. Now I feel need to change. I am on perfect way, as usual.

A lot of files is on run to use
In general, situation in publications are worse than ever. Sales drop down, cost on publications raises. But this is not the worse. Worse is that dark side won this battle which started in the early 2000s’. Aviation fan become members of various gang’s and groups and in most cases, they torn away those who really know something. I still regret for my good friend from USA, best expert for one German WW1 fighter, who simple give up and don’t publish anything anywhere. He is not the only one; I know similar case from other countries too.

Scanner and files for digitalizing
On other side, publications have as usual, friends, without any quality, who have permanent place on printed pages. Special problem is that many good authors are torn away by payment policy or better to say- they are not paid at all. Many people blame social and economical conditions as well constant piracy attack on publications. No, this is not reason. Hard core fan will give last coin for his favorite magazine and all of them will ultimately demand to have printed copy, instead of digital piracy copy of any publications. And real reason is fall down of content quality of publications and no fresh air anymore there. Result is dramatic- couple of years ago, average aviation magazine is sold in amount of 30,000 to 50,000 samples, today this number drop down under 15,000 (in most cases).

Modeling magazine from France
This is absolute not my last words. With thousand of various archive material in my hands (and this still counting), my web site will be for sure updated with new articles. Also will not refuse if someone demand any material for publications but terms will be free lance, will not accept with easy position in any publications. Not suitable for me anymore. I see now publications as a small muddy swamp full of predators.

Two good magazines for aviation history
By the ending weeks of 2017 I completed works with publishers and delivered my last material. Actually, one editor was in small vacation so I need to wait his return in early January 2018 to send him material.

German magazines with actuall aviation, history and some modeling
Feel absolute great! Just feel your inner self and gate of heaven will be open to you. Living life just to be part of statistic was never way to me.
Srecko Bradic