New horizon

From 2015 I have started preparation to withdrawn myself from aviation publications. Reason is so […]


From time to time, on various web sites as well magazines are started harsh conversations […]

If I could be good comrade, I guess this would be me poster?

AJ 50

Aero Journal is the magazine where I have been engaged with illustration almost from its […]

AJ 50

Last breath

Two interesting books were released some time ago. They are interesting for me in a […]

Last breath

Blue Goose

Some things happen once in a lifetime, if they happen at all. Chances do not […]

Blue Goose

Flieger Revue

Few months ago I received email from gentleman from Germany and he offers me options […]

Flieger Revue

Air Combat

The reason for the long delay in my writings here is a brand new magazine. […]

Warplane series

Down and down

Here you are, one good Serbian joke… One day, St. Peter decided to visit hell […]

Down down down

Two decades!!!!!

Last month was my great Anniversary—20 years of publishing of my works. In November of […]

First works